Listening As We Pray

Dear Most Gracious Heavenly Father,
Through the in pouring of THY LOVE, our spirits are cleansed, our sins are forgiven, our skills are sharp and we are empowered to do THY WORK!!!~

Thank You God for this day we are humbled when we pray and put ourselves in Your presence today listening to what You say Thank You God for this message today!

Dear Most Gracious Heavenly Father Listening to You is what we do when we bow our heads to pray Hearing Your voice making the choice to learn what You have to say
Coming only to You with open hearts and minds each and everyday
Knowing You hold the key to our reveille and keep us joyful on our way
Thank You God for this opportunity to pray to You today!

I had to go look up how to spell reveille and am excited by the definition:
My 1969  American Heritage dictionary says “1. The sounding of a bugle early in the morning to awaken and summon persons in a camp or garrison. 2. The first military formation of the day.”

There we are in the second definition we are putting on the armor of God each day as we pray!
Thank You God for reveille for us abroad and here with thee
each one of us in prayer with YOU so You can tell us what to do
and how best to serve You on this day and everyday!!!~

Let’s go get Your Good Book our Bible today and see what You have to say:
In Jonah 4:10-11 and then in The Letter of Paul to Titus
We see Your concern for us
Your children You put on this earth and then blessed us mightily with Your Sons Birth
and then converted Paul to be Your messenger on earth of Your spirit free
so all of us can grow and know that You are God and we
too are to show others the way to You each day by the way we live and what we say!!!~
Thank You God for Your message today!!!~

Then in the first line of Chapter 2 Paul writes, “ But as for you, teach what is consistent with sound doctrine.”
Then Chapter 3 is worth Your reading on this day as Paul writes to say: “….to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle and show every courtesy to everyone.”
As we read we have fun
realizing what was true for Paul and the new church then
is true for us today and it is because of him
Your servant Paul that the message of Jesus spread
and now we today can read what Paul said
in Your Holy Book if we just open it up and take a look!!!~
Thank You God!!!~
Y.E.S. Your Earthly Servant     © Wendy T. Wallace